On a more serious note, was Iwanako's ceasing her visits to Hisao six weeks into his hospitalization callous abandonment, or was it the result of Hisao pushing her away? Hisao's differing degrees of sympathy in each route add to this.Perhaps as a Fandom Nod, Lilly's route involves Kenji's suspicion that she has ties to the The Mafia.It helps that she appears to be a Badass in a Nice Suit. Non-canon art casts Akira as being in The Mafia or the Yakuza.Hanako as a Stringy-Haired Ghost Girl.Fan art frequently casts Hanako as a Yandere.Another one for Kenji: is he the Conspiracy Theorist simply as a joke or a facade for his homosexuality, or is he a true believer in his hateful theories about women, which would imply either paranoid schizophrenia or the use of certain paranoia-inducing drugs?.More than a few Real Life Armored Closet Gay men have ostensibly had such views. Kenji: while on the surface he looks like a Straw Misogynist He-Man Woman Hater, there is a fairly good case for his being Armored Closet Gay and hiding behind his hatred of women and belief in conspiracies involving them to avoid acknowledging that he's attracted to men.